Cooking up a special multimedia storytelling teleplay treat for the The O. Henry Players. I get a spot in the story too? Fun! Well… time to break out my moustache sticker book (and borrow some fancy garb from my husband’s closet). We have fun here! Join us for “A Fool’s Concerto”–
Join us for “A Fool’s Concerto,” at the BRUSH SQUARE MUSEUMS FOUNDATION INC Annual Meeting, March 21st.
About the Teleplay – “To celebrate the Mollberg Piano Restoration’s completed work on the O. Henry Museum 1860’s square grand piano, the O. Henry Players present A Fool’s Concerto teleplay based on two O. Henry stories (that feature piano) The Missing Chord and A Poor Rule….” more details at the Eventbrite page
#storytelling #ohenry #reading #voice #austin #literature #voiceacting #theater #reading #classicliterature #humor