This month we celebrated our honeymoon the normal way… going to a video game convention:) Yes, we went to Penny Arcade Expo!
It is very hard to describe in few words how awesome of a time was had. The highlights were definitely running into Jonathan Coulton multiple times (you may remember him from our I Feel Fantastic music video, on PopSci magazine and featured on Youtube). The concerts were amazing, featuring performances by JoCo himself, Paul and Storm, Metroid Metal, MC Frontalot, and Freezepop.
We shook hands with some of the cast from The Guild, accidentally interrupted Wil Wheaton, and tasted some band-fan-made caramel bacon snacks.
I attended more panels and industry talks than I can remember, but one of the best was definitely Harmonix‘s demonstration of the creation of Rock Band game tracks, including upcoming software allowing individual artists to create their own tracks for the game. I was able to talk to some of the Harmonix team after the panel, and might have some future business with them… We’ll see!
Oh, and we wrapped up the honeymoon with a cruise to Alaska… that was okay, nothing compared to PAX:)