Spaceships, mixed reality, and a love of plants and plant care unite when Creature‘s “Starship Home” for Oculus Quest 3 launches on Sept 26th! Creative Director & CEO Doug North Cook and I had talked for years about one day working on a VR project together, and I’m so glad it was this one:)
So much love and creativity went into this fun game, including hours upon hours of narration crafting and dialogue direction with Production Director Chris Hanney. It was a joy adding voices characters in this project alongside the fabulous Brian Diamond. Endless thanks to our patient producer and Creature’s COO Abbey Cooper, when she cracked up on camera we knew we had ‘the perfect take’ and it happened often. Brian and I had a blast performing all the characters in the game, see if you can guess who voices who in the final product!
Creature “Starship Home” feature page
Meta Store page – Pre-orders open now!
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